Saturday, February 5, 2011

Basic Butter Cookies with Jelly

The truth is I don't buy cookies in the store these days, knowing that home made once are so good. Plus we don't eat cookies all day long...really ;-) They are so rich in butter, that we end up eating 2 to 4 cookies a day. That includes the once I send to school with the kids for after lunch snack.
Funny, because when I was putting the kids to sleep today, my plan was to go and do some pilates in my room, but then I end up doing this! By the way I end up going to Hot (Super Duper Hot) Yoga class last week. And I have promised myself not to leave in the middle.... I didn't. It was very very hard, and not the poses but the heat just killed me. I crawled out of the yoga room, with my eyes half closed and my face as red as a tomato. I don't think anyone else looked like me in there. I came home without any energy, took a shower and still had a boiling blood in my head. So I end up with a headache in the evening that day. Is that a fun experience or what... now I am thinking should I try again or should I just give up and stick to my Pilates workouts?!!

From the book "Baking", by James Peterson.

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