Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Cookies

Something smells good.... it's 9pm at night and there is this sweet cinnamon smell around here.

I think that was a good choice of baking for today, since u just can't eat so many oatmeal cookies... not like the chocolate cookies! So it will last for a longer period of time!



  1. Эт ты верно заметила, что такие печеньки медленнее уходят. Хотя у меня Боря большой любитель, так что у него они под настроениетоже быстро улетают. Матео смешнючий :)

  2. I loved the cookies, but the kids don't really get the texture with the oatmeal and a real fruit inside. Had to share with the neighbour quick before it ends up in my stomach. hehehe...
