Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Corn Dog Muffins

"Andre, what are those hot dogs called? The once on the stick, and you are always asking for it!", I couldn't remember...

"It is Pogo, mom!", Andre got all excited.

Last week I found this recipe that looked very similar and much healthier option, right here.
The kids liked the idea!

Besides baking, I experiment a lot with Quinoa lately, bought this organic quinoa in Costco some time ago... and I kind of like it now, it is so easy on the stomach and you can add anything to it. Plus the BENEFITS of eating this nutritious seeds!

Salad ingredient:
Tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado and a feta cheese on top. 

For the dressing: 
1 tbsp. of olive oil and Balsamic vinegar with some salt and pepper.

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